Hedge & Shrub Trimming

At Landscapic™, we provide hedge & shrub trimming professional services as we know that shrubs are more than just pretty additions to residential or commercial landscaping. When properly cared for, they can also provide a privacy screen while defining boundaries within and around spaces. Hedges help to protect against storm damage, and they can be used as a background for colorful plants and flowers. Artistic use of hedges can add to the curbside appeal and value of your property.

Enhance the beauty of your property with professionally pruned plants. Hedges, shrubs, and topiary require routine upkeep during the growing months to keep their desired shape, fullness and bloom. Proper shrub and hedge pruning and maintenance involves paying precise attention to balance and scale, while taking great care not to injure the plant. Taking too much off an area can create an ugly bare spot. Tree Trimming, Hedge Pruning, Shrub Trimming

Well-groomed hedges can increase the aesthetic appeal of your property. We believe that hedge trimming is both an art and a science. Hiring a professional to look after your greenery gives you the assurance that hedges and shrubs will always look their best.

Hedges and shrubs require at least annual care. To keep greenery looking its best, semi-annual trimming is recommended, although the frequency will depend on how quickly your shrubs grow. Shrubbery should be kept dense and full with regular removal of any unruly stems and shoots.

A professional shrub trimming service can trim your greenery in a way that promotes healthy growth. We can trim shrubs specifically to encourage new growth or to guard against overgrowth. We’ll keep shrubs from impeding walkways, and after we’re done, we’ll clean up the cuttings and use them as mulch.

By the trimming, pruning, shaping and clipping of hedges and bushes your entire landscape looking outstanding!


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